Marisol finishes 4th!
2020 SCHS homecoming court!
Homecoming royalty! Congrats Yair and Sarai
Football team leaving it all on the field!
Marching band rocking it!
Seth Paesl leading our APL strategies! Great teacher leadership!
Dr. Gibbons leading our ELA and math teachers through a data dig! When we understand what our students know, only then can we create plans to get them where they need to be!
Some great professional development for our new teachers. Mr. Kasik is speaking on engagement in the classroom and has an excellent learning target posted!
Just a reminder that Tuesday, September 22nd is the day our 11th grade students will take our Pre-ACT and our 12th grade will take the ACT. This data will help guide our instruction in the classroom and help continue to make SCHS an amazing school! No school for 9th and 10th.
Attention SCHS Parents and students. Apparently our new mass notification system had a glitch and called all SCHS parents indicating their child was absent Thursday, Sept. 17th. We are investigating what happened and will resolve the problem. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Here is the Roster for Schuyler vs. Logan View Kickoff @ 6pm.
Attention SCHS parents & students: There will be no school for 9th and 10th grade students on September 22nd due to the juniors and seniors taking the ACT test. Class will resume for all grades on September 23rd.
Heres the roster for tomorrows Volleyball Triangular:
Schuyler - 7
DC West - 6
Schuyler - 7
DC West - 0
End of 1st Qter
Volleyball Parents night 9/3: Roster can be found here
Varsity Football Roster for 9/4
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Parents & Fans attending away games?? Check here first for Covid Guidelines:
The mobile food pantry is today Thursday Aug 13, from 5:00-6:00 at the Oak Ballroom. Line starts at 4:00.