Reminder: The SCHS Activities award ceremony is this Thursday, May 12th at 7:00 pm in the high school auditorium. Come join us and celebrate our successes.
over 2 years ago, Travis Steinhoff
Here is May 2022 SCHS Newsletter: Checkout the new format!
over 2 years ago, Schuyler Community Schools
A quick message from the utility department
over 2 years ago, Schuyler Community Schools
press release power
The mobile food pantry is Thursday, May 12th from 4:00-5:30 pm at the Oak Ballroom
over 2 years ago, Schuyler Community Schools
Tonight’s performance of the musical Anastasia is postponed. We hope to reschedule. Sunday’s performance at 1pm is still on. See you there!
over 2 years ago, Travis Steinhoff
A message from the city of Schuyler officials: Multiple power pole lines are snapped… No power for Schuyler til approx noon Saturday. Please stay off the streets. Plan accordingly. #staysafeeveryone
over 2 years ago, Jeff Droge
Congrats to the Sertoma Fine Arts Students of the Month at SCHS! Pictured from left to right: Eric Goodrich (Sertoma President), Fredy Vasquez (band) & Servando Castaneda (chorus). #WeAreSchuyler
over 2 years ago, Samantha Ladwig
Congrats to the SCHS Rotary Students of the Week, Emma Jedlicka and Citlali Romero! #Weareschuyler #schs #schuylerwarriors
over 2 years ago, Samantha Ladwig
SCHS Presents ANASTASIA April 29th @ 7pm, April 30th @ 7pm and May 1st @ 1pm in the Performing Arts Auditorium at SCHS.
over 2 years ago, Schuyler Community Schools
Play 2
SCHS Prom 2022 is underway! #Weareschuyler #enchantedforest #schs
over 2 years ago, Samantha Ladwig
Alejandra Dimas was recognized by Teammates today for her Outstanding Service since 2012. Congrats, and thank you for all you do for our kids & community!
over 2 years ago, Samantha Ladwig
Congrats to the Rotary Students of the Week & Sertoma Athletes of the Month! Natalie Yrkoski (Girls Track), Cici Romero (Girls Soccer), James Castanon (Rotary), Gavin Bywater (Boys Track), Ivan Varela (Rotary), & Edgar Diego (Boys Soccer). Not pictured: Aiden Kronberg (Boys Golf)
over 2 years ago, Samantha Ladwig
Mobile Food Pantry is April 14 from 4:00 - 5:30pm 2 the Oak Ballroom
over 2 years ago, Schuyler Community Schools
The SCHS music department wishes to welcome everyone to the 9-12th grade band and choir concert tonight in the SCHS auditorium at 7pm. Admission is free!
over 2 years ago, Travis Steinhoff
Reminder: There is a Title 1 Parent Meeting today 4/6 @ 4pm in the High School Auditorium.
almost 3 years ago, Schuyler Community Schools
ACT PumpUp Video for the SCHS Warriors - We Believe in You!
almost 3 years ago, Schuyler Community Schools
The Pre ACT and ACT will be given to 10th and 11th graders tomorrow, April 5th. 9th and 12th grade students do not report. 10th and 11th grade students should report to school at the regular time. Pancakes will be served starting at 7:30. All students should bring a calculator and leave phones at home.
almost 3 years ago, Joey Lefdal
Tuesday, April 5th is Pre-ACT and ACT Day for all sophomores and juniors. There will be no school for freshmen and seniors.
almost 3 years ago, Samantha Ladwig
Nominate a teacher for a Classroom Makeover!
almost 3 years ago, Schuyler Community Schools
teacher classroom makeover
We will be having an ACT presentation for parents at 5:00 PM during parent, teacher conferences. This presentation will be held in the band room and will last approximately 20 minutes.
almost 3 years ago, Schuyler Community Schools