SES Staff Spotlight
Schuyler Elementary !!
Learning about Magnets in Science
SES Staff Spotlight
Schuyler Elementary Picture Retake Day
SES Staff Spotlight
Schuyler Elementary Spirit Week Dress-up Days this Week !!
Schuyler PTO
Mrs Heard’s class learning about balanced and unbalanced forces
Mrs. Lopez's class counted how many seeds were in a watermelon! Our watermelon had 722 seeds
This week is Agriculture Literacy Week! To celebrate, Mrs. Bazata's 3rd Grade class listened to the book Right This Very Minute. This book talked about the different types of farms our food comes from!
Students created self portrait in Mrs. Brabec’s class !!!!
SES Staff Spotlight
SES Staff Spotlight !!!
Schuyler Middle School Football Players visit Elementary ..🏈🏈
Please join us Monday Sept. 11 at Schuyler Central High for a presentation from the United Way on ways to keep Children Safe Online. Flyers for the event have been posted to all Social media and the websites live feed. Spanish Presentation from 6-7pm and English from 7:30-8:30
Miss. Wolfe’s 2nd Grade class… 😊
SES Staff Spotlight !!