Parents and Students. We only have 4 more days to order customized Schuyler warrior backpacks!! Great idea for a Christmas Gift!!
Don’t forget! We have another opportunity to order personalized Warrior Green Backpacks!!
Great Christmas Gift Idea!!
Check out the SMS Warriors in action.
Parents and students,
After much consideration, looking at data, and considering alternatives, Schuyler Middle School will not be continuing the practice of “Incentive Day”.
Check out the SMS Warriors in action.
Check out the SMS Warriors in action.
Thursday MS Volleyball games vs Columbus.
Both 7th and 8th grade volleyball games will be played at Columbus Middle School. 8th Grade will play in the South gym, and 7th will be play in the North gym. Games will start at 4:15 PM both starting with C, followed by B & A teams.
Check out the SMS Warriors in action.
Check out the September 18th SMS Newsletter.
Check out the SMS Warriors in action.
Please join us Monday Sept. 11 at Schuyler Central High for a presentation from the United Way on ways to keep Children Safe Online. Flyers for the event have been posted to all Social media and the websites live feed. Spanish Presentation from 6-7pm and English from 7:30-8:30
Check out the SMS Warriors in action.
What's happening at SCS? Check out Dr. Schroder's video to find out! GO WARRIORS!
August 31, 2023
Dear Schuyler Families,
Today, during the cross country meet at our local golf course and lake, a drunk driver drove through one of the barricades. Thanks to the quick thinking of our high school principal Joey Lefdal and our Fire Chief Brad Sock no one was injured. They quickly cornered the driver to stop them from going further. As always, our first goal is to keep our students and staff safe during all our activities.
Dr. Bret Schroder, Superintendent
Schuyler Community Schools
R-Time’s were working on building relationships today by playing the Balloon Game. Here are some of our R-Time students participating.
Last Day to buy a personalized Schuyler Warrior Backpack!! Store will close at Midnight!
Schuyler Middle School will have it’s picture day on Monday August 28th. You can go online to order or have your child bring home a packet!
If you want to have a great backpack that shows your Warrior Pride, just follow the link to order your very own! Go Warriors! Https://
Orders close on August 28th!
Middle School Football- will be practicing in the Field House from 6 AM to 7:30 AM next week due to extremely high temperatures on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday
Monday's practice on the 21st will be after school in the Field House.