SMS 8th Grade football game at David City has been rescheduled for Thursday 10/8/20 starting at 4:30PM at David City Community Field
about 4 years ago, Andy Banahan
Schuyler Community Schools has amended the 20-21 school calendar for October. October 13th will be a regular school day for all students. October 19th - 23rd will be no school for PK-12 students. As always please check the SCS Mobile App & Websites for updates and more info.
about 4 years ago, Kady Arps
Schuyler Middle School is happy to recognize the Students of the Month for September 6th grade--Leonardo Lopez on Right 7th grade -- Ashley Mazariegos Center 8th Grade -- Joseph DeLeon on Left
about 4 years ago, Jesse Zavadil
September Students of the Month
Thursday's SMS football game vs West Point-Beemer will now have two full games with 7th grade starting @ 4:30 PM and 8th grade following the completion of the first game.
about 4 years ago, Andy Banahan
SMS Picture Retake day will be held on Sept. 30th.
about 4 years ago, Kady Arps
Schuyler Middle School would like to congratulate Odalys Cruz on being selected as the Nebraska Association of Teachers of Mathematics' "Rookie Of The Year"!
about 4 years ago, Jesse Zavadil
Mrs. Cruz. NATM Rookie Teacher of the year
Schuyler Middle School Volleyball game on Tuesday 9/22 at Scotus Catholic will be played as follows. 7B will play @ 6:30 PM with 7A following at 7:30PM in Memorial Hall 8B wil play @ 6:30 PM with 8A following at 7:30PM in the Activity Center
over 4 years ago, Andy Banahan
SMS Football game @ David City on Thursday 9/10 has been postponed. No date has been set for the make up game. We are currently working on finding a date to make up the game.
over 4 years ago, Andy Banahan
There will be a slight change in our schedule tonight. Instead of 7B, 7A, 8B, and 8A. We will be playing 7th guaranteed 3 sets, 8B best of 3, 8A best of 3. The first match will start at 4:30 PM so please plan accordingly. 
over 4 years ago, Kady Arps
Catch up with the latest student stories, sports scores, and news updates. It’s everything Schuyler, in your pocket. Download the app on Android: or iPhone:
over 4 years ago, Jeff Droge
Fall picture day is Aug 19th at SMS - Order online @ USE ORDER CODE: 51829RB
over 4 years ago, Kady Arps
Picture Day
The mobile food pantry is today Thursday Aug 13, from 5:00-6:00 at the Oak Ballroom. Line starts at 4:00.
over 4 years ago, Kady Arps
Welcome back Schuyler students! We missed you! Go Warriors!!
over 4 years ago, Jeff Droge
Parents - Bus services will start on Monday, Aug. 17th for students @ SES, SMS and SCHS.
over 4 years ago, Kady Arps
We are loving our new app! Access sports scores, cafeteria menus, news updates, and even emergency notifications. Download the app on Android: or iPhone:
over 4 years ago, Jeff Droge
We’re thrilled to announce Schuyler Community Schools’s new app! Access sports scores, cafeteria menus, news updates, even emergency notifications! Download the app on Android: or iPhone:
over 4 years ago, Jeff Droge
To view Schuyler Community Schools' Return-to-School Plan click here Letters with the Return-to-School plan are being mailed on Wednesday July 29th.
over 4 years ago, Kady Arps
The summer lunch program will run through July 31st and restart on Aug 10th - 14th. Please watch our websites and mobile app for our Return to School Plan.
over 4 years ago, Kady Arps
Attention Schuyler Community Schools Parents and Students. This is a reminder July Summer Camp is July 6-24th at the Middle school for Kindergarten through 8th grade!! We have two sessions. Morning session is 8:30 to 11:30 or the afternoon session is 12:30 - 3:30. Register your child at the Middle School. Enter on North side.
over 4 years ago, Jeff Droge
Thursday July 9th 4:00-5:00pm @ Schuyler Elementary School. Enter the school's driveway on Denver St. Please stay in vehicle food will be loaded by vehicles. No numbers will be handed out. Please no arrivals before 3:00pm.
over 4 years ago, Kady Arps