Information for Strategic Planning 2021
Explore ways to fund and procure academic curriculum resources and professional development. The district commits an annual budget of $225,000 annually to the purchase of curriculum upgrades. We are on a 7-year cycle for curriculum and textbook study and review, purchase, professional development, implementation, and evaluation. Over the past 5 years, the district has been fortunate to receive grants to assist in the purchase of textbooks, materials, training, and assessment in reading, language arts, math, science, language, and vocational areas. The district has also secured outside resources to purchase college credit textbooks and classroom materials.The district has started utilizing Schoolzilla to help differentiate data.
Explore ways to collect and interpret data to individualize and differentiate learning for students.An improvement priority that came from our last AdvancED Accreditation Engagement Review called for us to individualize and differentiate instruction. We have adopted assessment and data collection processes to move toward individualization and differentiation.
Explore ways to implement K-8 Math Intervention ProgramsA math program called Freckle Math has been added to our Renaissance suite of products. In the past two years interventions have been added at SMS for Math on Friday’s after school.
Explore ways to expand and recognize the visual and performing arts (Art, music, dance, speech and drama) programs in our schools.We have increased our staff in these areas, scheduling, student participation, student access to programs, conference district, and state championships, and now have an outstanding performing arts auditorium to share these programs with our students and the community.
Explore ways to expand and promote our early childhood programs.We have an outstanding preschool program in partnership with Head Start. This is a fully-funded Sixpence Program. We need to consider ways to expand affordable early childhood (birth to 3) services in the school and community.
Explore ways to promote our vocational programs as future careers.We currently have one of the top housing programs in the State (23 homes). Outstanding facilities and staff in the areas of business, entrepreneurship, agriculture and horticulture, woodworking and cabinetry, welding and metal works, and will be opening our culinary kitchen after Christmas break.
Explore ways to build on the success and promotion of our athletic and activity programs.Our current focus has been on the leadership and expansion of youth, junior high, and high school participation in athletics. We currently enjoy a high level of student participation and community support in many programs. With the recent addition to the middle school and high school buildings, we now enjoy facilities second to none in the State. Over the last six years a successful afterschool program has been built at the elementary and middle school level.
Explore ways to promote and celebrate diversity in our schools and community.
While the community of Schuyler faces many unique challenges, we also have the opportunity and experience to reap the benefits of our diversity. Our focus on expanding the employment of a more diversified staff, commitment to dual-language instruction, expansion of our ELL programs to promote and engage newcomers to our school and country, and our willingness to welcome the rich cultural influence on our school and programs is truly remarkable. A Dual Language Program was started three years ago, it is successfully running at Richland School grades K-3rd. The high school has implemented a newcomer’s program to work with students transitioning into our school programs.
Explore options to expand and enhance food service programs across the district. With the addition of the new high school kitchen and cafeteria, our food service and preparation kitchens are equipped to provide food service to over 3,000 meals per day. In addition to regular breakfast, grab-n-go, lunch, fruits and vegetable afternoon programs and backpack and community food bank options are a valuable resource to our students and families when faced with food insecurity when school is not in session.
Explore options for expanding custodial and maintenance programs and hiring practices in the district. Schuyler has assembled an outstanding custodial staff responsible for cleaning and maintaining our buildings and grounds. District-wide planning, maintenance schedules, requests and responses, equipment upgrades, etc… are recorded and transparent on the filemaker portal. Housekeeping does an outstanding job of adhering to the safety, cleaning, and maintenance protocols outlined in their daily, weekly, monthly, and annual maintenance job manual. Our grounds crew does an outstanding job of maintaining lawns, fields, sidewalks and parking lots as a source of pride for our community.
Explore options for improving safety and expanding transportation solutions to our students and families in the district. Schuyler has made big steps in securing and expanding safety and transportation solutions across our school and community. The State of Nebraska upgrade to lights, speed zones and crosswalk designation along with the city of Schuyler taking the lead to control the busy highway 15 middle school crossing has improved safety at the busiest intersection in our community. In addition, the school district invested in improving traffic flow, improving safety for curb-side pickup and to reduce congestion of north-highway 15 near the elementary building. These changes to infrastructure along with the expansion of after school programs, busing (one S) to neighborhood school buildings, and a parent paid route to the north trailer park provided improved solutions and supported student attendance for families with compromised transportation options.
Explore options for funding and options for large equipment and transportation fleet upgrades, maintenance, and replacement: We currently have a transportation fleet and large equipment replacement cycle (vehicles, copy machines, maintenance equipment, storage facilities) to provide access to buses, vans, trucks, cars, trailers, etc… for student transportation, staff needs. We currently have access to a heated bus barn that has allowed us to improve safety, reduce budget and maintenance costs, and extend the life of our fleet.
Explore ideas and suggestions to expand access to state-of-art technology solutions to enhance learning in the school and community.Our technology program is currently cutting-edge and a leader in many areas across the State and country. Our use of message boards, information systems, data warehouse, day-to-day classroom solutions, access to 1-1 or 2-1 technology district-wide, fiber connections to all school buildings, internal communications systems, safety programs, online protection for students, dedicated and educated staff, etc… puts our school and community in a position to provide the flexibility to lead change, improve access, and be a leader in promoting student success, family engagement, and quality programs in our community.
Explore options to expand course offerings and enrollment in college credit classes. Schuyler Central High in partnership with CCC, Wayne State College and the Foundation operates the only fully funded college credit options for students in our State. We currently have six high school teachers approved to teach courses for CCC and Wayne State College. Over the past 4 years, we have provided access to and paid for an average of 120 classes each year at an annual cost of $60,000.On to College is utilized with John Baylor ACT Prep.
Explore ways to compliment or enhance our competitive salary and benefit programs for employees.Our board of education has promoted and negotiated competitive salary, benefit, leave and vacation programs for administration, teachers, and support staff positions. We are one of few districts that still have a strong PTO benefit, support staff salary schedule, benefit options including district full paid health care, short-long term disability and life insurance. In addition, the district supports a variety of other health, identity protection, and investment options to all staff.
Explore ways to onboard new staff and substitute teachers.The High School developed a New Teacher Leadership Program to improve the onboarding process for new staff and increase retention. Our district has also conducted Substitute Teacher training to better communicate expectations when subbing.
Explore ideas to compliment and reward our teachers and support staff willing to participate and/or lead change in our school district. We are one of the few schools to offer an incentive program, above salary, to teachers who choose to go above and beyond job requirements. This incentive program provides support for teachers to go back to school, live in the community, buy homes, contribute to sick leave bank and wellness options, teach college/remote classes, and promote bi-lingual acquisition and certification.
Explore ways to expand and support school nurses, athletic trainers and health/safety programs district-wide. Over the past 6 years we have expanded staffing, programs, and safety protocols district wide. We currently employ 3 full-time nursing positions and one full-time athletic trainer in the district. These programs offer valuable programs in student health checks, vision and hearing screening, maintenance of vaccination record requirements, athletic training, etc…
Explore options for increasing support and education for classroom and special needs para educators. We employ and provide professional development for para educators to support the needs of students with special academic, behavior, social/emotional, and English language barriers. In addition, they provide supervision of before/after school, lunch rooms, and recess. Our special education program has moved into an inclusion model hence the additional support of professional development for our para-educators. At the high school level, students are engaged in an on-line program that allows for students working on their correct level of instruction.
Explore options for improving efficiency and transparency of internal/external communication. Front office staff provide a valuable resource for students, parents, district patrons, and visitors to the buildings. District and building administration and office personnel provide program coordination, scheduling, personnel assignment, supervision and evaluation, staff requisitions and inventory management, accounts payable/receivable, payroll and benefits management, etc…. The high school has started an SCHS monthly newsletter for staff and community members to increase communication.
Continue to recognize and appreciate the Board of Education and their courage and support of our school, employees, students and our families. Over the past 7 years, the board of education has demonstrated leadership, character, and commitment in strategic planning, curriculum, program and policy development, building improvements, curriculum and professional development district-wide. Their leadership and commitment to this district is recognized by the Nebraska Association of School Boards in their annual recognition program.
Explore ways to enhance and expand school/community partnerships. We currently work with the city and business community and appreciate their willingness to work with us on projects and include us in their development plans. (City of Schuyler, Schuyler Utilities, Schuyler Community Development, Chamber, Cargill, CHI Health, Shelby Lumber, Community and Family Partnership, CCC and Wayne State College, Head Start, etc…)
Explore expanding grant programs to provide support for programs, staffing, professional development, technology, textbook and material upgrades.These grants provide textbooks, professional development, technology, data management, salaries for teachers and support staff, extended day and year programs, and support for family and community involvement programs ($5,000,000 annually).
Explore options for expanding foundation funds and support of projects, employees, alumni, scholarships and college tuition payment initiatives. The foundation was instrumental in the school building projects (Preschool remodel and construction of the Field hHouse, classroom additions, and passage of the bond issue for the new addition to the high school. They also provide and manage scholarship programs for graduates, Outstanding Alumni Program, and annual Outstanding teacher, para educator, and support staff of the quarter and year.
Explore options for expanding alternative education and online options for remedial, recovery, and advanced placement courses. We currently have a ½ day alternative education program for those students in need of academic acceleration, part-time students, and flexible learning needs. In addition, we provide a hybrid online program to expand program options and flexibility in resolving schedule conflicts for full-time student enrollment.
Explore options for supporting behavior management and classroom strategies. We currently provide district-wide behavior management training and support (APL and CKH) to improve classroom management with an emphasis on keeping teachers relevant and included in student management decisions. The middle and high schools instituted SATURDAY school rather than detentions to work with individual students and their families when necessary. The school district hired a school psychologist certified to assess and support academic, behavior, and social/emotional student needs. In addition, the educational service unit has two behavior specialists credentialed with BCBA certification for those students who need additional support.