Congrats to Mr. Banahan Assistant Principal of the Year and Mrs. Neesen New Principal of the Year!
Congratulations to Mr. Banahan, he is the NSASSP Assistant Principal of the year!!! This is a very well deserved award. Mr. Banahan does such an amazing job of leadership and truly cares for our students!
Basketball camp has started today for 3rd - 12th graders still time to join in for more information check the flyer.
Once again we had standing room only for our 8th grade graduation ceremony today. We are sad to see our 8th grader go, but know they will do great things at SCHS. So much talent, love, and loyalty in this group!! #WeAreSchuyler
Yesterday some of our 8th grade students were able to visit the Strategic Air and Space Museum. They also got to meet Nebraska Astronaut Clayton Anderson. What an awesome experience for our students!
Summer Immunization Clinics: June 7, 10am - 6:30 pm & July 12, 10am - 6:30pm, this is for any kids aged 3-18 yrs. The Clinic will be held at the Schuyler Elementary building.
Schuyler Middle School will be hosting our annual 8th grade graduation ceremony on Thursday May 19th. The ceremony starts at 10am in the Schuyler Middle School Gym family is invited to attend.
Today SMS had the chance to celebrate our annual R-time day! Students had an awesome time participating in different activities through the day. We capped the day off with athletic awards and a staff vs. students volleyball game!! Great day to be a warrior #WeAreSchuyler
Parents, your 6th grade student is required by law to get a 7th grade physical and eye exam BEFORE 7th grade. Your child has been given the paperwork needed for 7th grade, please fill out all papers and return to the nurse this summer or at the beginning of the school year.
Schuyler Middle School will be hosting our athletic awards assembly on Friday May 13th starting at 12:45pm. Parents are invited to attend as our coaches speak about the season and give athletic awards to their athletes!
Today our 6th - 12th grade choir students performed at choir fest! The students sounded fantastic! We have some very talented students in Schuyler!
We are happy to announce that Schuyler Middle School and Schuyler Elementary were chosen as a Capturing Kids' Hearts National Showcase Schools!!! Congratulations to all of our students and staff for earning this great honor!
Parents, Tuesday May 10th is Academic Honors and awards night. 6th-8th students will presented certificates for honor roll, attendance, students of the month, and any other non-athletic extra curricular activities. The ceremony is open to all families and starts at 6pm.
5th Grade Parents, Schuyler Middle School is excited to host your child on Wednesday for 6th grade jump up day. Here is the..... to the letter explaining the events of that day. Please plan for pickup at Schuyler Middle School at 3:40pm Wednesday May 11th.
Parents, Wednesday May 11th Schuyler Middle School will be hosting 5th grade students for our Jump-up day. This means that SMS will dismiss at 2pm. Please plan accordingly.
Parents, if your child is interested in participating in a good Basketball Camp, please get a flyer from your child's school. The camp is only $5 for each athlete. Girls on May 24th and Boys on May 25th.
Here is the schedule for our 6th grade Track and Field Day on Friday at the SCHS Track!!
A quick message from the utility department
Parents, Our 6th grade students have a track and field day scheduled for Friday May 6th. 1st events start at 9am! Your son/daughter will know their own events! Parents are welcome to attend, we hope to see you there!
Very fun night tonight at Bandfest!! All band students in grade 5-12 showing off their skills. Great finish with 200+ students playing the school song!